Well, I thought that my blog title might flush out some American Shiteology Majors & general Intelligent Design Apologists/Fantasists for starters. Nope! I suppose THAT would be too much to hope for...if you are an Amerikan reading this you are in all likelyhood a DEMOCRAT (East or West coast?). Of course being a European Generic Democrat Liberal type myself, I have ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM WItH AMERICAN REPUBLICANS, as long as they stay out in the garden. I must admit that IRISH REPUBLICANS make me feel quite ill too though. Anyways, I will defend anybodies ABSOLUTE RIGHT to say & believe whatever they want, as long as they do not try & impose their views on those who don't agree with them by intimidation or force. Was'nt it Voltaire who said (I'm paraphrasing him here in English) " I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend your RIGHT to say it with my life" (but preferably with someone else's life, epecially if you're a member of Al-Qaeda or a NeoCon). Well I hope that's clear now, y'all. Incidentally, there's a Town called Youghal (pronounced "y'all") here in Ire-r-land, in East Cork County. So if you're ever in Youghal George, be careful not to confuse the locals - "Y'all from Youghal?". If you do visit, & EVERYBODY IS WELCOME to come & check Ireland out, (unless you're a member of Al-Qaeda or a NeoCon) Make sure you try to LEAVE DUBLIN at some stage during your vacation. Try West Cork County. Especially Baltimore (in West Cork, the original one, not the Yankee one). Tis a little piece of Paradise boy...and you know what? My own County, Wicklow is really nice too (& a lot nearer to Dublin Airport now our Dublin Orbital Motorway/Freeway/Highway/Autobahn/Autostrada/Autoroute, the M50, is FINALLY finished. It took more than TWENTY YEARS to complete about 40km). Dunno Why they called it the M50. We've no M49 right through to 12. We DO have an M11 however, which is about 5 mins drive from my keyboard here, sorry, I digress. If you've bothered to read this far, I may have got away with it. Now please, scroll on...
Ps. What I wanna know is this - how can CREATIONISTS delude themselves that
so called Intelligent Design somehow makes The Universe more wondrous. All THE EVIDENCE accumulated by humanity to date demonstrates that there is no need for an "Intelligent Designer". Why oh why can't each & every person on this lump of rock just open thier eyes/ears/hearts & minds & look & see & learn from ALL THE EVIDENCE SCIENCE HAS GIFTED US that the Universe we know & love actually, on the balance of all evidences & probabilities, happenstanced spontaneously. Maybe that's just too scary an insight to comprehend for a lot of good Christian (& Muslim & Jewish) folks. OK, obviuosly it is, but you know what I mean. Heck, why think for yourself dude? It's all there in the Good Book's. Case closed. Now let's go kill each other over the details. And I know I should'nt start a sentence with "And" but I'm mad as hell, I mean why must they HIJACK those two words, quite good ones. Intelligent. Design. I can't even utter them in this blog anymore, so in future I'll call it "ID". Ok, so I got a bug up my ass called INTELLIGENT DESIGN, shite, typed it again. Sure, I'd love the cosy emotional security blanket & slippers of a Creator God up there in the clouds, creating away, sorting us mere mortals out into convenient piles, one marked "Damnation" (the bigger one), the other marked "Salvation". I'm sorry guys BUT I JUST CAN'T BUY THAT! Those CREATIONIST ZEALOTS have hi-jacked two perfectly innocent & useful words for their own nefarious needs. Intelligent Design = Creationism that's well understood I know. Without a sinlge ATOM of physical evidence (one of my favorite words, definitely) they use those two words to describe their "Theory". Well, is it not an oximoranically & hysterically inappropriate use of the english language? Now I know (it's been commented on here already from another blogger) that I am basically railing & ranting against "ID" in this blog. That I am not putting forward any cohesive & cogent arguments to challenge it logically. Some shite about if I found a watch in a field one day , how would I know if somebody made it, or created it. Jesus. (I'm a lapsed Catholic, so please indulge me the luxury of that expression of exasperation!). Anyway, it would probably have "Made in Japan" (or more bleedin' likely now, "Made In China" engraved on the back of it). All I can say is that minds a helluva lot more focussed than mine, (eg. Professor Richard Dawkins) has debunked "ID" repeatedly & forensically in his published works on numerous occasions. His arguments are extremely well laid out, logical, eloquent & persuasive. His EVIDENCE to counter the non evidence of "ID" is overwhelming. If you are unsure then go to any library, heck it's the Information Age...Google him, it'll all be there for you. Oh bugger, if you are an antideluvian, claminded ID proponent (I just invented that expression, clam-minded = claminded = closed mind!), well you won't be READING this liberal diatribe anyway. Maybe though, you are a teenager who's parents are brainwashing you with all that Christian Fundamentalist Shiteology, & you secretly blogsurf when they are busy away at Walmart buying more ammo for Armegeddon. Do youself a favour if that is YOU! GOOGLE Richard Dawkins NOW!
Phew. Oh. I feel much better now, time for a game of Battlefield 2 now as a reward Des, yes. Cyber Insurgents shoot back but it does'nt hurt (or leave a mess). And the Online Game Maps are so intelligently designed...