Saturday, October 08, 2005

This blog is dedicated to the fond memory of my dear friend John O'Donohoe (1963-2000). John used this phrase* when indignant, which was often!

Black John, Me, Myself, I & The Wincent (see photo below)
Wolverton Lodge, Barnhill Road, Dalkey, Dublin County, Banana Republic Of Ireland, Saturday, April 15th 1990. John had a very acute Bull-ScheiBe Detector. Whenever he (often) railed against whatever he percieved to be wrong, false, or plain stupid, he invariably described it as Shiteology*.

Dear Reader Please Note - In daily usage among Hiberno-English speakers like me, the word "shite" (pronounced so as to rhyme with "light") is generally considered to be a less offensive, nay, more acceptable version of the coarser, shorter, Anglo Saxon version. Something similar is true of another commonly used word in Irish daily life, the word "feck" as in "feck off out of it will you, you stupid fecker!". Substitute the "e" with a "u" & that last expression takes on a much more aggresive & obscene meaning. Most if not nearly all Irish people find the use of the word feck mildly offensive at the very worst & actually funny in the majority of social encounters. The same is true of the word "shite" (though it is definitely a more risque word to use socially than feck). So when someone uses the word "shiteology" it really refers to something that obviously irritates, with the emphasis being on that irritation rather than being used merely to shock people as a "rude word"! I'm pretty sure my friend John (the main inspiration for my blog - the smartest, wisest, truest, most loyal, & cantankerous person I have ever known) would have concurred, ("oh no I bloody well would'nt have Cannon you're a Shiteologist of the first order" would possibly be an alternative O'Donohoe response to all this waffle). I thought I'd better tease that out a bit for you in any case as I don't want to unintentionally scare off any of the more delicate souls amongst you out there on the web. Ok, that's enough shite from me for double click that pic now to see how incredibly handsome we were, when we was younger...


Anonymous said...

Am I the only one sad enough to notice that Shiteology is an anagram of "is theology" and to wonder about the etymology of apotheosis? Answers on a postcard!!

Actually I can't deny the beauty of evolution however I don't think it will ever persuade a creationist whose faith appears to obviate the need for rational debate. But here's a conundrum (I think!)...Evolution doesn't deny the possibility that higher levels of intelligence/existence can exist(in fact I consider that it guarantees it..especially as I aspire to omnipotence!)so..if every bifurcation that has occured thus far has produced an alternative universe does this not admit the possibility that a universe exists were advanced entities dwell..with characteristics that creationists would consider god-like.(Consider how we would appear to a person of Budda's,Jesus' or Abraham's many people are brought "back to life" with CPR or defib's or made to walk again etc and extrapolate forward)
Now does one prove that this isn't that same universe or one they (the advanced guys!) cooked up??

Steiner62 said...

I would'nt disagree with one word of that Declan! Thanks for dropping in...

Steiner62 said...
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