Hey, I was six years old during most of 1969! We had no MP3's, internet downloads, playstation 2's or gameboy advances. Just one Philips B&W Telly, with rabbit's ears antennae that sometimes worked & just ONE STATION (RTE) to choose from. Then all hell broke loose in the Summer of 1975, we were the 2nd family on our road to get a COLOUR TELLY & 3 new stations! Suddenly we were spoiled for choice, & our monochrome world was gone forever. Neighbours even came in to see the great new multimedia all colour attraction down thier end of Auburn Road. Consequently, most, no all of the 60's shows on display here are written to my memories hard drive in black & white (as I saw them in the 60's). They may appear outdated & twee now, but in 1969, they were the bee's bleedin knee's I'm tellin ya. Happy, happy memories from my parents living room floor...tis no wonder I'm a Television Man. Sure was'nt I there from the start (TV was first broadcast in Ireland in 1963).
Nowadays, I can sum up my favourite TV show's in a shortish sentence - Sponge Bob in the mornings, with the kids of course, eh ("I'm ready, I'm ready"). The Shield, Nip Tuck, anything on the Discovery Channels & last but not least at all, Six Feet Under...when American TV is as good as the later, it's the best. A TV drama that was deeply thought provoking, darkly hilarious & poignant every week without fail. The best drama on TV so far this decade, in my humble opinion. As Nate say's in an early episode "death is what makes life important"

I love your profile...We have very in common…
And I love the post!
On Gavetas
I loved Top Cat. I found some old episodes on DVDs for my kids. Love it!
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