The story of our own Genesis on this "Pale Blue Dot" is one of The Greatest Stories Ever Told (based on a wealth of hard sought fossil evidence). That Story is still being told as each new fossil find drops a new piece into the jigsaw. That jigsaw still has many missing pieces. However we do now know an incredible amount of information about our distant ancestors. The bottom line is we all come from Africa! We are all Africans if you trace back our family trees far enough. Science actually proves that not only is ID a crock of shite, predjudice based on skin colour or "race" is too! Because every racist is closely related to every other living human on the planet! We now know that 99.9% of every single living human's DNA is in fact identica! It's the remaining 0.01% that gives us that variation in body form, height & colour!
Our ancestors who lived in Africa evolved dark skin to prevent thier skin getting burned by the high & hot midday sun! As thier progeny migrated North & West, thier skin tone lightened because it was'nt as sunny as it was in Africa! Would you be prejudiced towards another human purely on the basis of the colour of thier eyes? I'd guess not! In evolutionary terms the colour of our skin is about as relevant as the colour of our eyes! So why discriminate against any other human being because of the colour of thier skin? Calling all racists! You are full of shite! Science proves it! Don't take my word for it. Just educate youself! OK, if only it was that easy, racists are evil sonofabitches by default, I just like exposing the poverty of thier evil delusions with Science & Reason. Then again if just one person with pejudice in thier heart is swayed by this argument into being less prejudiced than they were previously, well that would make all this waffle worthwhile then...
If I may diverge from our Human Origins saga for a moment now. On the basis of mounting scientific evidence (go to www.sciam.com - Nov 2005 issue for more on this), we may well all eventually be proven to be all from Mars, long, long before we evolved in Africa! We will be the Martians!! We may well be the Little Green Men!!! (well we Irish are anyway). Y'see, our Prokaryotic Ancestors may well have hitched a ride to Earth from Mars on a Meteorite or two! Who needs the awe & wonder of a Religious Creation Myth, when the Scientific Creation Facts are infinitely more awe inspiringly wonderful! (see my Mars posting for more on this topic). So as I was saying before I went to Mars - There are no "Races", just one "Race", the Human Race. We literally are all brothers & sisters...& cousins. We were related to many other Human "Races". Unfortunately as far as we know, they are all extinct now. Indeed, we are most unfortunate to be the only homonid species here right now. This is a very unusual situation, when you consider our species evolutionary history. Indeed, about 1.5 million years ago up to four (& possibly more) different but related homonid species co-existed around the shores of Lake Turkana in East Africa. This is all based on good fossil evidence. As recently as 12,000 years ago we shared this planet with a completely different human species - see the wonderful reconstruction of a female Homo Floresiensis aka "Flo" to paleontologists! (see above). More on "Flo" later. Please don't refer to her as "The Hobbit" as some commentators insist on doing. That was a fantasy homonid with a split personality in The Lord Of The Rings. She was a real living & breathing & loving sentient being a very short time ago...
Websites that you might like to copy & paste into Google if I have aroused your interest sufficiently...
This is a just cause for human existence, except I'm not sure if it's less interesting that man was not created by a creator or if it's more interesting that we are still unsure what the hell created creation. If you say that forces of nature have created man therefore creating creation then I have but one concern. What created those forces which have created the creation of the creator? Riddle me that, Einstein. Fuck the theory of relativity. What about the theory of subjectivity? Why is everything in existence being subjected to this hellacious timetable of negative and positive forces? Is it because the battle of time was lost by the forces of the nothingness and won by the forces of divine creation? Did creation use the forces of good and evil to shun the nothingness? Is it possible that I have just answered all my questions with a fucking question? Is the makeup of God actually good and evil? Is evil good? Is evil something hardly anyone understands? Was evil the main part of why the war was won by creation? Is evil going to now take over the good or will they join forces and conquer another force of nothing? Does this remind you of a damn comic book? How about another fucking question.
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